To design and implement strategies (i) for the training of consultants to get the “CMC” (Certified Management Consultant) certification and to maintain it and (ii) for the making of this certification one of the conditions to work in the consultancy field as well as one of the conditions to appoint the consultants to carry out advisory and consulting activities.
SMDC Objectives

To connect with and regroup individuals, companies and organizations specialized in consultancy in management and development in an effort to coordinate their activities and develop high professional and ethical standards in order to preserve the profession’s credibility and to raise consultation activities to an international acknowledged level.
Build Alliances
To endeavor on building alliances and agreements, on twinning up, on cooperating with and in participating in other Associations & International Organizations and Institutions that are local, regional or international that share similar objectives of the Association.
To set up the standards for professional and ethical conduct that will be adopted by the members of the Association in the aim of bringing out and maintaining a first-class image of the profession. acknowledged level.
Skills Building
To enable the members improve their skills, increase their professional competencies and behave with high professional and ethical standards as draw up by the Association.
Public Awareness
To raise the public awareness on the role and importance of the consultancy profession in the expansion of the Lebanese economic growth
To affiliate the Association with other foreign Associations having similar objectives and represent those foreign Associations in Lebanon.
To cooperate and coordinate with various organizations involved in causes of mutual interest.
Training Seminars
To organize training and seminars on various aspects of management
& development.
To manage, organize and develop the consultancy profession in Lebanon.
To represent the profession towards the government and in international forums.